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URL Shortener writen in pure PHP.



  1. Clone the project
    $ git clone
  2. Create Database from the dump create_db.sql

  3. Config the database in public/include/config.php in line 14

  4. Config the site domain in public/include/config.php in line 16

  5. Config the site url in public/YLinkClient.php in line 21

  6. if you use apache go to 7. if you use nginx go to 8.

  7. copy apache.conf to /etc/apache2/sites-available/
    1.  $ sudo mv apache.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/servername.conf
    2. Config the servername.conf
    3. enable servername.conf
       $ sudo a2ensite servername.conf
    4. go to 9.
  8. copy nginx.conf to /etc/nginx/sites-available/
    1.  $ sudo mv nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/servername.conf
    2. Config the servername.conf
    3. enable servername
       $ sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/servername.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
    4. go to 9.
  9. Done! Enjoy 😁

API Docs


  1. create
    1. Description: Create new shorten link
    2. HTTP Method: POST
    3. Paramaters:
      1. method:
        1. type: string
        2. valid length: 4...6
        3. description: the method (e.g. create, info, help...)
      2. password:
        1. type: string
        2. valid length: 4...30
        3. description: Creator verification
      3. link:
        1. type: url
        2. description: the long link
  2. info
    1. Description: Get info of shorten link
    2. HTTP Method: POST
    3. Paramaters:
      1. method:
        1. type: string
        2. valid length: 4...6
        3. description: the method (e.g. create, info, help...)
      2. password:
        1. type: string
        2. valid length: 4...30
        3. description: Creator verification
      3. shorten_link:
        1. type: url
        2. valid length: 21...47
        3. description: shortened link
  3. stats
    1. Description: Get stats of shorten link
    2. HTTP Method: POST
    3. Paramaters:
      1. method:
        1. type: string
        2. valid length: 4...6
        3. description: the method (e.g. create, info, help...)
      2. password:
        1. type: string
        2. valid length: 4...30
        3. description: Creator verification
      3. shorten_link:
        1. type: url
        2. valid length: 21...47
        3. description: shortened link
    4. Optional Paramaters:
      1. start_date:
        1. type: date
        2. valid length: 19
        3. description: start date for stats (in format: yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss)
      2. end_date:
        1. type: date
        2. valid length: 19
        3. description: end date for stats (in format: yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss)
  4. raw_stats
    1. Description: Get raw stats of shorten link
    2. HTTP Method: POST
    3. Paramaters:
      1. method:
        1. type: string
        2. valid length: 4...6
        3. description: the method (e.g. create, info, help...)
      2. password:
        1. type: string
        2. valid length: 4...30
        3. description: Creator verification
      3. shorten_link:
        1. type: url
        2. valid length: 21...47
        3. description: shortened link
    4. Optional Paramaters:
      1. start_date:
        1. type: date
        2. valid length: 19
        3. description: start date for stats (in format: yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss)
      2. end_date:
        1. type: date
        2. valid length: 19
        3. description: end date for stats (in format: yyyy-mm-dd HH:mm:ss)
  5. custom
    1. Description: Create new custom shorten link
    2. HTTP Method: POST
    3. Paramaters:
      1. method:
        1. type: string
        2. valid length: 4...6
        3. description: the method (e.g. create, info, help...)
      2. password:
        1. type: string
        2. valid length: 4...30
        3. description: Creator verification
      3. link:
        1. type: url
        2. description: the long link
      4. path:
        1. type: string
        2. valid length: 4...30
        3. description: shortened link path:{path}
  6. edit
    1. Description: Edit link destination
    2. HTTP Method: POST
    3. Paramaters:
      1. method:
        1. type: string
        2. valid length: 4...6
        3. description: the method (e.g. create, info, help...)
      2. password:
        1. type: string
        2. valid length: 4...30
        3. description: Creator verification
      3. shorten_link:
        1. type: url
        2. valid length: 21...47
        3. description: shortened link
      4. link:
        1. type: url
        2. description: the long link
  7. help
    1. Description: Receive help
    2. HTTP Method: POST
    3. Paramaters:
      1. method:
        1. type: string
        2. valid length: 4...6
        3. description: the method (e.g. create, info, help...)

API Client


include 'YLinkClient.php';

$url = "";
$path = "custom_path";

$client = new YLink("Hello World ~ Password");
$res = $client->CreateLink($url, $path);

if ($res['ok'] == true){
	echo $res['res']['link'];
	echo $res['error']['message'];


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
